
  How to add plugins to your server

 EULA - Minecraft 1.7.10+

In the new Minecraft version 1.7.10 Mojang has implemented a requirement where you are required...

 First time PermissionsEX setup

When you install PEX for the very first time you might notice that all commands give you "You...

 How to add a custom map

 How to add more admins to your panel

If you want to have your friends or staff manage your server with the multicraft panel with their...

 How to get a server icon

Minecraft 1.7 introduced a feature where you can have a server icon displayed on the multiplayer...

 How to get the latest version of Bukkit

There are 3 versions of Bukkit on your server control panel:Craftbukkit = This is the "stable"...

 How to install WorldEdit schematics

1. Go to your server panel at Click on Files -> FTP and login...

 How to reset your world

 How to set your Multicraft password

To reset your Minecraft control panel password follow these steps:1. Go to the main page of your...

 How to setup BungeeCord

 How to setup your FadeHost domain

 How to upgrade your FadeHost server

Follow the guide on this...

 Plugin support for FML (Tekkit, FTB, Pixelmon and others)

To run bukkit plugins on your FML type server, you will need to use a special jar called Cauldron...

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