Check Engine light

We are aware of the saposid "Server not working" bug with the new 1.7 update.

Please note this is a bug with the light only.  The light is on the blink  Ignore it!

Look for: [Server] INFO [12:17:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (1.093s)! For help, type "help" or "?" in your console to see that your server is online.

26th Oct 2013
mc10 FTP

mc10 server has been restarted in order to resolve an FTP problem

15th Oct 2013
10-3-2013 LAG ISSUE

We are currently aware of the issue of massive lag accross the network. Lagspikes on servers, Panel and support system being really slow FTP barely working. This is due to a network failure between the server house and the local ISP being used. The estimated resolution time is at 6Pm eastern USA time. Thank you for your patience, and ... Read More »

3rd Oct 2013
Client based FTP

We are currently aware of the Client based FTP not working.

We are working on this, and ask that everyone please be patient.

Gregg J

27th Sept 2013

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