We are aware of the minecraft bridge error issue on Daemon 12 & 16 (mc7 & mc11)
We are working on fixing it now.
Please do NOT submit a ticket for this error if your server address starts with mc7 OR have ever started with mc7.
If your server is down, and your address is or was mc2.fadehost.com and/or mc7.fadehost.com we are aware that your servers have not been working.
We are working on a fix.
we are also aware of the MySQL databases being broken.
we are working on a fix.
New domains are also on the fritz at the moment
We are working on a fix.
Good morning everyone!I just wanted to let you know that support is going to be slow and limited today. Bernis is on Vacation until the 4th, and today is my birthday (33) I will be spending most of the day with my family, and friends.I wish everyone a safe and happy new year.If you party, dont party too hard, and dont drink and drive!I'll ... Read More »
At this time our MySQL service is being syspended for maintainince.
We do not currently have a ETC for the maintainince, and apologize for any inconvenience.
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